Vipassana France


What is Vipassana?

According to Buddhist tradition there are two main types of bhavana (mental development).

Vipassana is a Pali word which means: Seeing clearly, seeing specially or Seeing through. (Vi- clearly, specially, into, through + passana – seeing)
Vipassana means introspection, intuitive wisdom, intuitive knowledge.
Vipassana is often translated as Insight.

To see what clearly?

Vipassana means to see the true nature of reality. It is the direct and intuitive understanding of the true nature of all phenomena.
Vipassana is knowledge or insight into the true nature of mind and body.
Vipassana is developed by the progressive application of the Four Satipattana – The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Vipassana is based on the Four Satipattana – The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

The word Sati is derived from the Pali word Sar, which means to remember, to recollect.
Sati means more than just memory. It means contemplation, reflection, recollection, heedfulness, carefulness, collected attention, awareness or vigilance.
Sati is often translated as mindfulness. Pattana means support, establishment, base, application, foundation.

The practice of mindfulness consists of moment to moment mindful contemplation with attentiveness and recollection upon all activities of the:
1. Body
2. Feelings
3. Mind
4. Mind objects.

Texts referencing the practise of Vipassana Satipatthana have been taken verbatim from the book the ‘One Way Path to Nibbana’ written by Ven. Ajarn Tong Sirimangolo and translated by Teacher Kathryn Chindaporn.

"The Dhamma, well-practised, leads to happiness."